Google spreadsheet add on for professionals or small business owners.
Simple Invoice is an easy to use tool to create invoice, register receipts, register expenses and generates financial reports. This is helpful for small to mid size enterprises or entrepreneurs to keep track of their account. The add on has been developed over google spreadsheet.
Important: Add on only works with its own template designed over spreadsheet. After installation if you dont find a folder "Simple-Invoice" under your google drive. Create the folder and paste the template spreadsheet.
Create invoice
Bulk invoices
Print invoice
Send invoices using email
Register receipt
Print receipt
Bulk receipt
8. Register expenses
9. Generate Income & Expenditure
10. Generate invoice report
11. Generate expenses report
12. Generate due list
How IT Works?
The add-on has been developed over google spreadsheet and available in chrome store. It stores all the data in google spreadsheet which is saved in your own google drive.
Refer Installation tips in bottom of page
Installation tips
Click on FREE.
It will show an alert asking your permission before install.
Click on continue.
Login to your gmail account. If already logged in click on your email address
Navigate to bottom of page and press Allow button
After installation you will see a balloon below Add-ons
Go to Add-ons > Simple Invoice > Install
This will install the theme in your google drive under Simple Invoice folder.
Close the spreadsheet you have opened.
Go to google drive and look for a folder Simple Invoice.
Under this folder you will have installed theme "Simple Invoice"
Open it and navigate to "Add-ons > Simple Invoice > Start"